Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Ponzi That Won't Go Away!
and Networks Interactive, Inc. EONPay.
And why should it go away. It's been profitable. It is Christmas time again, Celebration time in La Union, Philippines.
Frankly, this quirkyparrot is frustrated. Why would a bull-dog of a parrot, one that sees all, be in such a not so flighty-cheeree mood? Read on. 419. 419. 419.
The very good scam artist, Henry James Banayat Gacayan, probably the greatest out of La Union, Philippines, is at it again! Just as this quirkyparrot was singing that the scammer's attempts to further cheat the already desperate, helplessly lost, members caught in his web of deceit had been checkmated, the master scammer found a way out again.
A proven way.
419 Lo! sadly, with the help of his victims!
CAN you believe it?
YES, WE CAN! The economic situation of our times have people desperate. But with all the education on the web, with all the warnings from law enforcement, with all the sorry tales of those who have been lost, how desperate can these educated? westerners? be to fall for the 419 trap out of the Philipines again.
Yes, again.
And again.
First time, it was called Fastlane. 419.
Second time, it was the buy debit cards that we'll load with your earnings scam. 419.
This time, we don't know what to call it yet. Call it the STUPID MASSES 419 scam. Maybe the EONPay/Paypal. To think that most of those willingly entering this trap are Americans, Australians, Brits and Kiwis! Supposedly the most educated of all earthlings. Shame on you people. (this quirkyparrot has half a mind to send your psx info to your local law enforcement. if that is what it will take to save you from yourselves... ho ho. ho ho. save me. . oops bad joke )
A proven scammer- "Henry James Banayat Gacayan", "CNII/Compumatrix", "compumatrix","hjshares@gmail.com", "pointsharextreme.com", "EONPay.com"- a few of the numerous names the heartless devil goes by, tells you he has $300 million for you. He tells you this is clean money. Yet he can't pay you what he "owes" you until you first pay him "service fee" to send you some of this money? Not a 419?
He tells you this "service fee" is for a third party who handles the transfer. Let's see now. Send $15 by Paypal to get $1000 in return. What? Wasn't this the same story with the Fast Lane? And you fall for it? Again?
He cannot tell you who this third party is? Always a nameless, faceless, third party.
To their credit, there are a few souls questioning this arrangement on the scam forum. Obviously, they get nowhere. Soon as they ask, the scam guards shout them down. They shut the discussion down. We have it that the elite guard dogs mod brigade is led by 'monickers' Earthwalker (a Brit), Bjj (a Yank from OK) and surrogates.
Well, ok ok. All this quirkyparrot will do for now is alert "PayPal" to this new scam. Never mind the scammer has gone to great lengths to hide the identity of the recipient of the transfers. The energizer-bunny quirkyparrot has leads. PayPal hounds will sniff them out...
The hunt begins.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Never-Ending Scam$ Of The Pedro.......
From: miamigo services
Reply-To: miamigo services
To: miamigoservices@gmail.com
Date Sent: 9-Sep-2008 12:00:48 +0200
You receive this message because you are an Amigo! To cancel your membership
you can hit the return button and write cancel!
Finally another Update!
Dear Amigo,
I am back from the trip to Central America with a lot of news. Let me first
start by informing you about the latest news concerning IT developments. As
you're aware three weeks ago I flew to Mumbai to discuss the IT issues we
were encountering with the Indian Company responsible for our sites. In fact
this was an ultimate attempt to get them moving in the right direction and at
a faster speed.
Sadly we must announce that in spite of all the promises and wasted time
spent in personally trying to explain "what" we wanted and "how" we wanted it
to our Indian IT provider/developer, within a week of my return from Mumbai
due to ongoing issues and problems; we decided to pull the plug on them. Of
course this was an incredibly difficult and frustrating situation/decision,
but ultimately we felt it would be totally irresponsible to continue on with
them ¨C this primarily so because the dead-end situation and ongoing
communicational problems could not be adequately resolved in the interests of
and to the betterment of our business and its members.
In house Company
Rick and I have spoken in depth about our IT problems and have reached the
conclusion that the only way for ChampAmigo to truly win the IT 'battle', is
to set up our own IT department again. This will be staffed with dedicated
knowledgeable personnel who will perform their tasks and duties "in house"
and solely for us - rather than once again using an external service provider
for whom we are only but one, of many clients!
With this in mind we have hired Xavier, a 'heavyweight' IT specialist with
many years experience. Starting this week, his first duty will be to recruit
a team of multi skilled, professional developers and designers to assist him
in the performance of his duties. All will be dedicated and loyal individuals
with only one objective in mind ¨C the completion of ChampAmigo!
Regrettably we have lost an entire year searching for a reliable IT partner,
but are pleased that we are now firmly back in control of all IT developments
¨C if only we could have known everything ahead of time!
Reschedule Launches
Plainly it's obvious that we have to review the scheduled launches of all of
our websites! Because the core ChampAmigo program is a heavy duty task we
will finish a few 'smaller' programs first, to begin with Dollar Dazzler.
Today Xavier will start entering all Amigos in the Dollar Dazzler database ¨C
of course the majority will be without any order attached to their username.
But now when it is finished, at least every person "is" placed in the overall
database and will receive new login details to their Dollar Dazzler back
office this week. The next 2 websites to be completed will be X-Wire and
ChamPay and that's as much as we want to look forward at this time. Please
bear in mind that we could be going a lot faster if Xavier is fortunate in
building a large creative IT team ASAP. Naturally we will send you an update
with each major development.
Offshore Related Issues
After discussions with our attorney and the manager of the Offshore Bank we
have come to the conclusion that we should change our offshore strategies and
this applies especially to our Pearl Members. Until today we have been
offering an offshore Trust as part of our Pearl Package. Please note ¨C in
your interests; "This will now be changed to an Offshore IBC". To understand
why this is being done, let me explain the difference between the two
Both a Trust and IBC are opened by a 'Settlor' on behalf of a 'Beneficiary'
and operated and monitored by a 'Trustee'. The 'Beneficiary' is the eventual
person who owns the rights and assets of the Trust or IBC. In our services
it will be that the 'Beneficiary' holds the 'Bearer Shares'.
The Trust is an asset protection vehicle, perfect for holding funds and
tangible goods of high value for example like a yacht or home. Since your
possessions are Offshore, you are anonymous, however the bank will always
reveal your identity to the authorities if you are in any way suspected of,
or accused of, any illegal activities.
Now you can raise the question ¨C Aren't the Trusts that are opened for Pearl
Amigos, being used for asset protection? Probably after some years we could
say yes to this question, but at this moment the answer is no!
On explaining to the bank manager our activities, his advice was to create an
IBC instead! An IBC or International Business Corporation is actually like a
private company generating earnings in a zero-taxable jurisdiction. In other
words, it's best to set up an IBC in Belize and let this IBC run your
ChampAmigo business.
You'll have an Offshore Bank account linked to your IBC and through a (non-
US) debit card you withdraw funds from your Offshore Account. Hence, because
you run your business offshore in Belize you pay no local taxes on your
earnings. In some countries you have to report offshore earnings, "whether
you choose to do this or not is your own personal decision" ¨C we do to report
these earnings to any government!
Back to the Trust
Naturally there will come a day that you have saved let's say $50,000 or more
in earnings that you will want to safeguard ¨C "That's the moment you should
register a Trust!" ... and ¡.. Because we always think positively and we
believe that our Pearl Amigos will most assuredly need a Trust in the future
¡ We will automatically register a Trust at no cost (you save 1,000 Euros or
$1,500) for every Pearl Member who has generated and saved $50,000.
Create your IBC name!
Every Pearl Amigo must send us 3 possible names for their IBC. As soon as
you have paid your Pearl membership in full, we will register the first name
and if this one is not available, we will try the second and so on. Even
though you may not have paid the membership in full, we will still create a
virtual IBC account for you and from that moment we will assume that your IBC
is running your operation instead of yourself. Email your name suggestions
to support@champsupport.com, but only if you are a Pearl Amigo.
Virtual Office
To confidentially operate a business offshore you may also consider opening a
'Virtual Office'! We now offer a Virtual Office in Panama, including phone
and fax services, mail forwarding and even a desk and meeting room if you
would ever physically like to host your customers in Panama. It is like you
run your operations from Panama, but in reality you will be working from your
home office!
Prices for a Virtual Office will run from 200 Euros and up, we will provide
more news when the website is ready.
Offshore Seminar
Because we need to be absolutely sure to have sufficient participants for our
Offshore Seminar, we will organize this event in October 2009. By then all
the current Pearl members will have paid their membership in full and only
the air fare costs may stop a few from not participating. We have booked 80
double rooms which should be enough space. Not in the Princess Hotel which
was our first option, but in the Radisson. If you want to be assured of a
place, make your reservation now! You can only take your partner, if the
partner is also a Pearl Member. However, you can always arrange a provide
room but you have to be fast; the hotel has 24 rooms left!
Naturally the first reservations will go to those Pearl Members who have paid
their membership in full, and second those who have paid their monthly dues
on time each month! We will create a nice supporting website for the event
with program, images and optional holiday packets.
You Do Not Want To Miss Out!!
Best Regards,
Pedro Dispenza
Notice how something always comes up, always how some clever way of duping the already-duped victims of more cash. Notice how online crooks now prefer euros to the dollar, never mind that that won't matter when Uncle Sam finally nails them. Notice the code words, off-shore, trust, IBC, Virtual Office and, the fave locations- Panama, Belize, of these scumbags. Always something why promised actions are never completed; these crooks are always up to something........
By the way, does this not look like the m o of that other crook, Henry James Banayat of pointsharextreme.com (aka PSX)? No surprise there, one must be a student of the other. Or maybe business associates. After all, Henry James was hjshares in acexclusivecircle which has now morphed into miamigoservices.
Just look out folks.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
HOT: MiAmigos Dispenza deperate for new victims
From: Pedro Dispenza
Reply-To: support@champsupport.com
Date Sent: 23-Jul-2008 22:53:19 +0200
You receive this message because you are a member of the ChampAmigo Network. If you wish to cancelyour membership, please reply to this email, and write Cancel in the subject header!
Dear Bugu Baga,
We are sure this doesn’t come as a surprise to you because if you follow the news, it is all they are talking about. Long queues with anxious people who want to withdraw their money – seems like this is going to be a regular sight for the time being. Follow this link http://bankimplode.com/ to see if your bank is in trouble as well!
MiAmigo Circle?
If you have some cash sitting in your bank account and you can spare it, why not invest some of that cash in MiAmigo UBIs? The face-value of a UBI is $1.50 but they are currently offered at 15 cents!
Next month, when we go life with www.MiAmigoCircle.com the price will go up to $0.30. Regardless the number of UBIs you would purchase, you'll earn a 100% profit on the spot!
The MiAmigo Circle website is only public for a while, next month we will move this site behind closed doors because it is a private investment program, for members only. Since it is ‘open’ now you can at least read more about the program details at www.MiAmigoCircle.com.
If you have some money that you would like to ‘work’ for you, instead of being at risk in your bank, drop us a line at support@champsupport.com and let us know how much you are willing to invest.
By return email we will give you the payment details!
No Referral Fee
Of course you can inform others about the MiAmigo Circle, but please be informed that we don't pay a referral bonus. If you introduce others, it is only because you are helping them, not yourself! Others can also send an email to support@champsupport.com.
Champ Amigo Support
www.champamigonetwork.com www.champay.com www.miamigofriends.com www.x-wire.biz
www.champemail.com www.miamigocircle.com www.worldpromo.eu
Victims of Acexclusivecircle would like to know. This Quirkyparrot will like to know. Even Henry James Banayat, the Filippino thief, wants to know !
Stay tuned: latest on the evolving PSX scam next.
Friday, July 18, 2008
SCAM ALERT: PSX Returns, MiAmigos diminished....
Pedro Dispenza and his MiAmigos are now much diminished. They have gone back to peddling penny ponzis as part of their "exclusive" portfolio. We also have it from the pedrosa's mouth himself that his thousand plus paper membership are not upgrading. What to make of it?
Well, we'll pound on our baby-gorilla chest, this quirkyparrot is getting thru those knuckle heads and they are "smarter"...
And as for the elusive Filipino vermin Henry James Banayat Gacayan? For a while we thought the Filipino authorities had him caged up behind bars but looks like he's out there scheming again. Watch out for this combination of enterprises:
New digs. New clothes. New associates. Our advice to you is; STAY AWAY. There is a common thread that binds them : Henry James Banayat Gacayan. We are keeping an eye on what is going on with the new combination. And of course the authorities here in the USA will get to them sooner than later.....
We know the times are hard. We are hurting bad too. So are most people we know. But even in these hard times, especially in these times, please be careful with your money:
If you want to send money anywhere, use only legitimate agencies that have street offices (examples are Western Union, MoneyGram). If you don't please don't cry all over the place that you've been scammed.
Later folks. Just had to give a quick update so these crooks will know we got them in our sight.
Monday, April 7, 2008
NewsFlash: MiAmigoService On The Run
Dear Amigo,
Due to various reasons we will have to stop accepting some payment methods.
Therefore, please take notice of the following!
We will no longer accept MoneyBookers, Solid Trust Pay, e-Gold and Western Union. Also from today we will no longer accept Personal Checks, Money Orders and Traveler Checks. The only type of check we will accept is a USD Cashier's Check. Attention! We have also closed our PO Box in Illinois!
Supported Payment Methods
Cash USD, Euro, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Pound Sterling
Cashiers' Checks, made out to X-Wire Unlimited
E-Bullion, account # B05450
PayPal, account pay@x-wire.biz
Bank wire, see instructions below.
Name and Address Bank
Deutsche Bank
Mühlenstrasse 84
26789 Leer
GermanyName and Address Beneficiary
X-Wire Unlimited
PO Box 4
1770AA Wieringerwerf
The NetherlandsAccount Number: 011558400
IBAN #: DE31285700240011558400
BLZ: 28570024 (Only in Germany)
The new address is for KYC documents, Cashier's Checks and Cash Payments.
X-Wire Unlimited
PO Box 4
1770AA Wieringerwerf
The Netherlands
Every Tuesday Glenn is giving 'Opportunity Calls'. Dial this regular landline
number +1 712 432 3000. The 'bridge' number is 598680. Calls start at 9PM EST!Best Regards,
MiAmigo Member Support
Note the telephone number 1 712 432 3000 is an IOWA number. If anyone is in IOWA, please notify the phone carrier!
A big thank you to all those who are making it possible to put this gang of thieves behind bars.
Don't forget, if you live in TEXAS, make a complaint by email to : sholter@ssb.state.tx.us
Saturday, March 29, 2008
CALL TO ACTION: MiAmigo Services
Dear "quirkyparrot":
On February 28, 2008 I sent the following e-mail to you, and have not yet
received a reply.
Your January 26, 2008 e-mail indicated that MiAmigo Services has been sending [solicitation] mail to people. If any of these mailings have been sent to a Texas resident, I would be interested in reviewing such mailing materials to determine whether there is a securities investment issue concerning a Texas resident, that would be within our agency's jurisdiction.
Are you a Texas resident?
Did you received one of the MiAmigo Services' mailings or otherwise have access to a mailing to a Texas resident?
If yes, please confirm by e-mail, And please forward a copy of all of the mailing documents to my attention, along with any other information that you have concerning any offerings or solicitations by MiAmigo Services.
Thank you for your assistance;
Scott Holter
Enforcement Division
Texas State Securities Board
208 E. 10th Street, 5th Floor
Austin, Texas 78701-2407
Telephone 512.305.8370
Facsimile 512.305.8398
Come on folks who have been scammed by Pedro Dispensa aka Peter Roor, take action NOW! Thank you
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Take-Down: Pedro Dispenza's MiAmigos
and previously of many other cancerous schemes, is rapidly snaring unsuspecting victims.
Those of you have lost money to this bandit know exactly how he works.
This is his new scam: http://www.miamigoservices.com HELP SHUT IT DOWN NOW.
The good thief Pedro Dispenza uses still the e-gold and e-bullion numbers he used previously. What cheek! Here are the e-currency numbers:
E‐Gold 1758226 (AceXchange)
E‐Bullion (USD Only) B05450 (PCB-X-change)
PayPal pay@miamigoservices.com
MoneyBookers pay@x‐wire.biz
Here are some FAX Addresses used by this scam:
Austria : +43-463-265-100006
Latvia : +371-771-8437
USA : +1 (720) 920-0427
Australia : +61-73-3196-730
India : +91-22-66459122
UK : +44 161 332 6266
Netherlands : +31 20 524 1483
Argentina : +54-11-4032-0160
It is clear this cancer growing. So act nowto kill it! Here are what you do:
1. Report the website to your state security enforcement agencies.
2. Alert e-gold and e-bullion.
3. Alert the US Postal Service
Here is the US address he collects checks through:
Petheldia P.O. Box 7206 Algonquin, Illinois 60102‐7206 USA
File a Mail Fraud Complaint with the Postal Inspector
4. Alert Western Union
Here is the name and address of the Beneficiary:
Heintina Potman – Wieringerwerf – The Netherlands
This quirkyparrot never gives up. With or without anyone else, this parrot's song will be heard by the authorities in all 50 States. The take-down has been initiated. miamigoservices.com will go down. How many victims will we let it suck in? With your help, the take-down will be quick.
Read What Many Of His Previous Victims Have To Say
So do it. Do it now. Make a report to LAW ENFORCEMENT in your State. In Your Country.
Let's all together do what we have to do to put internet thieves out of business.
WARNING: If you have invested money with this scam, you will lose it.
If you are contemplating sending money to this scam, you will lose it.
NEVER DOUBT this quirkyparrot's resolve. The Authorities will shut this down.
So be warned.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Better Times Ahead
Together we have made a difference. This is what is important. See, we even got the collaborators at the site that now goes by "Forum With No Name" to backtrack, some into hiding and some issuing belated apologies... What "lyres" (sic)!
Ok, the wheels of justice do not often turn as fast as we'd like, but turn they surely do...... One by one we'll hit the scams and their collaborators.
Next we'll go after the Pedro Dispenza's Latvian scam... "Acexclusivecircle.com" .
This one has nine lives and more... It was a scam that scammed master scammer Henry James Banayat (Gacayan) and many others, including even the parrot! Oh la la. Alouette, je te plumerai! Oo la la! Plucked La Parrot's colorful feathers! La QuirkyParrot parlez Francais.....
Alouette, gentille AlouetteC'est parrot! Oooh. Je t'aime beaucoup. Le miserable parrot. Qui. Qui.
Alouette je te plumerai
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette je te plumerai
Je te plumerai la tête
Je te plumerai la tête
Et la tête, et la tête
Alouette, Alouette
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette je te plumerai
Enjoy the craziness of your parrot. This parrot. Quirky. Quirkyparrot. Relentless scam denouncer! Qui. Qui.
Ok guys. Just be careful this year. The PSX clones are still out there. Keep one eye open, don't let them fool you. They are cloaked. You know. Even your best friends get fooled!
And, come back soon. Also get our friends to visit here once a while. Even your friends in the forum where they do not like you to know who this QuirkyParrot is. Toot. The Lord, He said, you can't hide a lamp under the hood...... te he he he.